The ongoing ‘learnification’ of education, is described by Biesta (2019) as the redefinition of all things educational in terms of learning. For example, calling students learners, calling schools learning environments or places for learning, referring to adult education as lifelong learning and seeing teachers as facilitators of learning. Biesta (2019) suggests that it is not just a change in the language (from education to learning) that has changed, but there is also a change in the role and position of the teacher from the ‘sage on the stage’ to that of a ‘guide on the side’. With this change in role students are considered to be a subject in their own right and not an object of the teacher’s actions.
“Learning, [in this sense], provides opportunities for students to be free and enact their freedom outside of the control of the teacher” (Biesta, 2019:550).
It is this learning freedom and the process of ‘learnification’ that Knox, Williamson and Bayne link together with the methods of data science, focusing on datification and machine learning.